Aarhus University Seal

Terms of membership

Membership is free

When you sign up, you consent to the processing of your personal data, including email marketing, as described below. 

It is therefore important that the information you provide when signing up and thereafter is correct and that you keep it updated. This particularly applies to your email address, occupation and any indication of interests so that our communications to you are as relevant as possible – and reach you. 

Consent to the processing of personal data, including email marketing

How we process your personal data is described in our Aarhus University Alumni Network Privacy Policy. 

We particularly use your personal data to send you emails. Our email communications include elements of marketing related to the university's activities and offerings. Therefore, we request your explicit consent to receive marketing material in connection with your signup to the network. You can leave the network at any time, so we no longer send emails to you.

The consent to receive email communications from us is an integral part of your membership of the network, meaning that it is not possible to be a member of the network without also receiving emails from us.

What types of information do we send?

All members receive the Aarhus University Alumni Newsletter, which is currently sent out 3-4 times a year, as well as individual emails regarding the benefits of the Alumni Network, such as special member offers or discounts. 

Additionally, we send you personalised emails including: 

  • News, research results, invitations to events, and offers for professional development, some of which will be exclusive to network members. 
  • Inquiries regarding your potential interest in contributing to volunteer activities where your skills, experiences, or connections could benefit students or alumni, support the development of Aarhus University, and strengthen its external relations. 
  • Surveys or requests for feedback regarding the activities and initiatives of the Alumni Network/Aarhus University. 

How is personalised information selected?

Depending on the context, the selection of information is based on details about your education, seniority, geography, employment, and/or recorded data regarding your interaction with the Alumni Network, including our emails.  

You may be interested in receiving news about research, invitations to events, offers for further and continuing education, or participation in other activities that cannot easily be inferred from these criteria. Currently all alumni are given the opportunity to receive news from Aarhus BSS based on indication of areas of interest as part of membership of the Alumni Network.  

Therefore, when you sign up to the network and/or when you subsequently update your membership profile, you can indicate general or specific areas of interest which we can take into account when assessing whether any particular information from Aarhus BSS can be considered relevant for you as a member of the network. 

Updating your information

You can update your areas of interest or other details at any time using the link provided at the bottom of the emails we send you. 

If you wish to change the primary email address associated with your membership profile, you will need to re-register with your CPR number via the registration form for the Alumni Network. This is necessary to ensure that your membership and related areas of interest are linked to your new email address. 

Leaving the Alumni Network (withdrawal of consent) 

If you no longer wish to be a member, you can unsubscribe using the link at the bottom of the emails we send you, or by sending an email to alumni@au.dk. By doing so, you also withdraw your consent to receive email communications from the Alumni Network.