Aarhus University Seal

Privacy Policy for Aarhus University's Alumni Network

This privacy policy describes how Aarhus University (AU), hereinafter referred to as “we” or “us”, process your personal data in the context of the Alumni Network (in accordance with the requirements in the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) article 13 and 14). 

In other words, this Policy only covers data protection issues. Information regarding AU’s compliance with requirements in the Marketing Practices Act can be found in relation to your signup to the network. 

This privacy policy is a supplement to AU’s general privacy policy which is available here

In case of major changes to this privacy policy you will be notified directly by email. 

Data controller 

The data controller is: 

Aarhus University
Nordre Ringgade 1
8000 Aarhus C

Phone: 8715 0000 
Email:  au@au.dk

CVR nr. 31119103 

Questions and contact 

You are always welcome to write to us at alumni@au.dk, if you have any questions regarding the content of this policy or how we process your personal data. 

AU’s data protection officer can be contacted at dpo@au.dk.

Purposes of data processing, categories of personal data and legal basis 

Aarhus University’s Alumni Network has been established to support the development of strong and life-long relations between the university and its alumni as well as engaged and rewarding interactions between alumni and between alumni, students and employees.  

In connection with our various activities, we process the following information about you:  

Personal data from the course administration system 

In most cases our alumni database contains the following basic personal data from the course administration system (STADS): 

  • Name 

  • (legal) gender  

  • Civil registration (CPR) number*  

  • Nationality  

  • Officially registered address (if in Denmark)  

  • Email address upon enrollment at AU 

  • Student registration number  

  • AUID  

  • Completed/current degree programme(s) with information regarding name, title, starting date and (if relevant) end date, department and faculty.  

*CPR number ensures updated information from the Danish CPR register in relation to changes in postal address (if in Denmark) and to enable the deletion of information regarding deceased alumni from the database.  

This information forms the basis of our effort to communicate the benefits of a membership of the Alumni Network to future graduates, and, through membership, to establish and maintain a professional, focused and relevant connection – both leading up to and following graduation from AU.  

The legal basis is GDPR article 6 (1)(e) because the processing is necessary for the exercise of an official authority vested in the data controller. 

Registration of membership 

When signing up you provide the following data 

  • full name 

  • current occupation - job title and company/organisation 

  • contact email address 

  • CPR number 

In addition, you can choose to provide 

  • alternative email address 

  • general and/or specific areas of interest 

Why do we ask for this (additional) information? 

We ask for your CPR number to be able to uniquely identify you and match your signup data with your data in the course administration system.  

We give you the opportunity to provide an alternative email address to ensure that we can get in touch with you, should your primary email address fail for some reason or have ceased to exist.  

We ask about your current occupation and give you the opportunity to select general or specific areas of interest as this helps us to make the information, we send you, as relevant as possible. The more we know about the interests and careers of alumni, the better we can plan activities that meet the needs and wishes of our members. 

When you sign up for the Alumni Network, the data you provide is integrated with your basic data from the course administration system to generate your membership profile.  

The legal basis is your consent to membership of the Alumni Network, cf. GDPR article 6(1)(a). 

Updating your membership 

You can update the information you provided when signing up for the Alumni Network at any time, including changing your areas of interest, via the link at the bottom of the emails we send you. 

If you wish to change your email contact address, however, you will need to complete the registration form again. This ensures that your membership and areas of interest are associated with the new email address. 

When updating/re-registering, any new information will replace the previously recorded details in your membership profile. 

The legal basis is your consent to the update of your membership information, cf. GDPR article 6(1)(a). 

The Alumni Newsletter and exclusive Membership Offers 

We process your name and email address to send you our Alumni Newsletter, as well as occasional emails with special offers exclusively available to members of the network. 

The legal basis is your consent to receiving the Alumni Network’s basic information/email marketing as part of your membership of the Alumni Network, cf. GDPR article 6(1)(a). 

Personalised Emails 

We process your name, email address, and information about your degree programme(s) from AU, seniority, employment, postal address (if in Denmark), nationality, areas of interest, and your interactions with the Alumni Network/Aarhus University to select and send you emails containing information such as news, research findings, event invitations, offers for further education and skills development, as well as enquiries regarding your potential interest in participating in voluntary activities aimed at making a difference in relation to the university’s contribution to society. 

The legal basis is your consent to receiving personalised e-mails/e-mail marketing as part of your membership of the Alumni Network, cf. GDPR article 6(1)(a). 

Processing of information regarding your interaction with us 

For the purpose of personalised marketing of our offers and activities, we record the following information regarding your ongoing interaction with the Alumni Network/Aarhus University: 

  • The email communication we have sent to you 

  • Your interaction with these emails – openings and clicks (for example, on "read more", links, and similar), including the time of interaction 

  • Notes regarding any individual email correspondance or phone conversations with you 

  • Your registration for our events and use of our other services 

  • Your potential contributions to AU’s activities, e.g., as a guest speaker, mentor, in connection with fundraising, or participation in surveys regarding the Alumni Network’s/Aarhus University’s activities and initiatives. 

Our distribution of personalised emails is not automated (profiling) but is based on a specific assessment of relevance in each individual case. 

Data analysis and development of the Alumni Network’s activities 

We process information about your degree programme(s) from AU, seniority, employment, postal address (if in Denmark), nationality, areas of interest, as well as your interaction with the Alumni Network, including our emails and/or with AU, for the purpose of conducting anonymised statistical analyses of AU’s alumni. This also helps us develop our news products, events, further and continueing education and skills development offers and other initiatives aimed at strengthening relationships with our alumni and the university's contributions to society. 

The legal basis is GDPR Article 6(1)(e) as the processing is necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the exercise of official authority vested in the data controller. 

Data administration 

Your membership of the Alumni Network is registered in AU’s relationship database. If you have already signed up and/or subsequently sign up for other news services and/or events at AU using the same email address, these registrations will be integrated into your membership profile. 

The legal basis is AU’s legitimate interest in ensuring professional and coordinated management of external relations, in accordance with GDPR Article 6(1)(f). 

Your personal data will not be processed for other purposes, including recognition of your possible contributions to AU's activities, without your explicit prior consent. 

The Alumni Network's website 

When you visit the Alumni Network's website, we process information about your user behaviour to improve the user experience. Information is collected using cookies. 

We process personal data collected through necessary cookies based on GDPR Article 6(1)(f) – the Alumni Network's legitimate interest in technically supporting the functionality of the website. 

In AU’s cookie policy, you will find detailed information regarding the processing of personal data in connection with website visits. 

Recipients of personal data 

To the extent necesssary, we share personal data with IT service providers in order to deliver the services described under “Purposes of data processing, categories of personal data, and legal basis.”

All data processing outside our own systems takes place only within the EU or approved third countries based on EU standard contractual clauses. 

Beyond this, AU does not share your personal data with third parties without your consent. 

Withdrawal of consent 

You can update your areas of interest at any time, thereby adjusting the type and amount of information you receive from us, via the link at the bottom of the emails we send you. 

You can withdraw your consent at any time by unsubscribing from the network. This can be done via the relevant link in the emails we send you or by sending an email to alumni@au.dk

Your withdrawal of consent only has effect as to the future and does not affect the lawfulness of our processing based on your consent up until the time of withdrawal.  

If you unsubscribe from the network and thereby withdraw your consent, we will immediately stop sending you emails.  

Your withdrawal of consent does not include a withdrawal of your implicit acceptance of cookies when you visit the websites of Aarhus University. Find out how to delete or block cookies here. 

Retaining and deleting personal data 

As long as you are a member of the Alumni Network, we retain the personal data, which you have submitted when signing up for the network or when subsequently updating your membership profile.  

The emails we send you, and thereby also your interaction with them, are deleted after two years. 

Your signups to our events are deleted after 5 years.  

Information which you have submitted when signing up for the network or when subsequently updating your membership profile, i.e. email address(es), your occupation, and any selected areas of interest are deleted, when you unsubscribe from the network and thereby withdraw your consent to our email communication, unless, and only to the extent that, processing of such data still has legitimate purpose based on other interactions, which you may have with AU, for example subscription to other news from or participation in other events at AU.  

Any other data relating to your interactions with the Alumni Network are also deleted, when you unsubscribe, unless, and only to the extent that, processing of such data still has legitimate purpose based on continued interactions with AU, for example as mentor, guest lecturer, or other forms of contribution to the university’s activities. 

Your rights as a data subject 

Apart from the right to withdraw consent, you have the following rights in relation to your personal data: 

The right to access 
You have the right to see the personal data we have registered about you and to receive various information regarding our processing of your personal data. 

The right to rectification
You have the right to have inaccurate or incomplete data about you corrected. 

The right to deletion
The right to deletion may be limited within the law if we have a legal basis which justifies our continued processing of your personal data.  

The right to restriction of processing
In certain circumstances, you have the right to request that we restrict the processing of your personal data.

The right of objection
In certain circumstances, you have the right to object to our collection and further processing of your personal data, e.g., to processing based on our legitimate interest. You also have the right to object to our use of your data for direct marketing. 

Right to data portability 
In some cases, you have the right to receive personal data which you have provided to us in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format and/or the right to request that we transfer this data to another controller.  

Please note that your rights may be limited by other legislation and therefore be subject to exemptions or conditions other than those mentioned above.

You exercise your rights in relation to us by writing to us at alumni@au.dk.

You are always welcome to contact us if you disagree in the way we process your personal data or the purposes for which we process the personal data.  

Complaint to the Danish Data Protection Agency 

You can read more about your rights as a data subject and your right to file a complaint with the Danish Data Protection Agency at www.datatilsynet.dk/english